2010年10月12日 星期二

互動英語教室(3) - In a French Grocery Store



Eating out is one of the most common sources of entertainment in Hong Kong. Lily and Sharon seldom cook proper meals at home because they dislike washing dishes. Pizza, spaghetti and fish ball noodles are always on top of their list. One day, they were looking for something different and exciting to do for their friend’s birthday. Lily came up with the idea of hosting a surprise party. Sharon  found this idea fabulous but she had no experience in organising a birthday party at home. Lily suggested having a party theme which could help make shopping easier. Sharon  was worried about finding a suitable venue too. While they were discussing about their plans, they walked past a French grocery store called “Monsieur Chatte”. Sharon  found the food sold in that shop very interesting and decided to take a closer look.

Caroline, the owner of this store, greeted Lily and Sharon. 

Caroline: Hello, may I help you?
你們好, 有什麼我可以幫忙? 

Lily: Yes. Can you suggest some ideas for a birthday party?

Sharon: We are looking for something special!

Caroline: Sure! We are selling French food and beverages. In France, we eat a lot of cheese. Do you and your friends like cheese?
當然可以! 我們售買各式各樣的法國食品和飲品。在法國我們吃很多芝士的。你和你的朋友喜歡芝士嗎? 

Caroline: This is comte and this is camembert. Would you like to try?

Lily and Sharon: Yes. Thank you.

This was the first time they had ever tried French cheese. Caroline explained to them that cheese and wine were central elements of the French diet and there were around 400 sorts of Cheese in France. Lily and Sharon had the impression that French food and drinks were very expensive. That’s why Sharon decided to ask for the price of the cheese she liked before buying. She was happy to know that they were affordable.

Sharon: I like this one. How much is it?

Caroline: $52 per 100 grams.

Lily: Can we have 100 grams please?

Caroline: No problem.
Sharon was curious to know more about the sausages hanging in the shop.

Lily: Caroline, what are these?
Caroline, 這是什麼?

Caroline: They are French sausages, “sacisson” in French. You can cut them into pieces.


Sharon told Caroline that Chinese people also had preserved food and was surprised to note the similarities in French and Chinese cooking philosophies. Sharon found some small cakes in the shop and asked Caroline for more information.

Sharon: Excuse me, Caroline, they look very cute, what are they?
Caroline,請問這是什麼? 樣子很可愛啊!

Caroline: Oh! These are “Cannelé”. They are little cookies from a region in France called “Bordeaux”.
噢! 這是“Cannelé” 。來自法國一個名為” Bordeaux”的地區。

Lily: We want 10 of them. How much do they cost?

Caroline: It costs $12 each. The total is $120. Let’s go up to the second floor, we have French wines up there.

Caroline: These are French wines. We usually drink white wines with seafood and red wines with meat.

Caroline: Have you found a place for your friend’s birthday party?

Lily: Not yet.

Caroline: Would you like to consider having your party here? Our private lounge can be used exclusively for parties. Let me show you the way.
你們會否考慮這兒? 我們的私人會客廳可以用來開派對。
Lily and Sharon followed Caroline to the second floor.

Lily: Oh! The setting is very stylish!
噢! 多麼時尚的裝修啊!

Caroline: It can accommodate 20-25 people.

Sharon: Is there any minimum charge?

Caroline: Yes. You can consume our food and beverages. Let me send you a proposal tomorrow.

After their visit to this French grocery store, Lily and Sharon find experiencing the food and drinks of a country being the best way to understand its culture. Although there are fundamental differences between Chinese and French food culture, it’s not a bad idea to have something different occasionally!

Special thanks to Monsieur Chatte.

If you have any suggestions, please email us! wwpenglishcolumn@gmail.com

