2011年7月6日 星期三

互動英語教室 - New Hairstyle (2)


Matthew had the same haircut for the past three years and wanted to have a change. He liked the haircut of his colleague and asked Nelson to give him the same hairstyle. Nelson explained to him that everyone had his or her own hair texture (質地). Thus, he considered each client as an individual with his or her own needs and desires. For example, the looser (鬆散的) texture of Louise’s curls (捲曲) looked nice on her but might look horrible on Lily. Nelson found a straight (直)haircut being the most suitable for Matthew.

Louise had a party to go in the evening and asked Nelson for advice.

Louise: Hello! I am going to a party tonight. I want to perm my hair (電髮).

Nelson: You don’t have to perm your hair at this moment. But you need a hair treatment (頭髮護理).

Lily helped Nelson get all the equipment (儀器).

Nelson: It takes around 20 minutes for the hair treatment.

Nelson advised Louise to do proper conditioning at home and hot oil treatments at hair salons. She should not put tension (拉緊) on her hair daily with pony tails (馬尾).

Lily always finds that curly hairstyle (曲髮) being one of the most interesting hairstyles as it prefers certain cuts and facial shapes (面形). Curly hair is also very diverse (不同) as compared to straight hair because the hair can appear in so many different ways. However, Lily likes swimming. She personally prefers shoulder length (及肩) hair styles as it can be dried in a short period of time. Lily’s straight hair is very shiny (有光澤). Nelson has told Lily that hairs can be classified (分類) according to their texture. There are three basic types: fine (幼細), medium (中等) and coarse(粗糙). Fine hair is generally weightless (輕飄飄的) and flyaway, just like Matthew’s hair. Louise’s hair is of medium texture and is generally the most manageable. The thicker and stronger hair is classified as coarse. It can be extremely difficult to color, perm or straighten.

Matthew and Louise were very happy about their new hairstyle and they learned how to keep hair in a good condition.

1) What hairstyle do you like the most? Why?
2) How are different kinds of hair classified?
3) Which type of hair do you have?

Script by Lily
Video by CP and crew
Actress: Louise
Actor: Matthew
Special thanks to Nelson

2011年6月21日 星期二

互動英語教室 - New Hairstyle (1)

My new hairstyle (1)

Do you know how important hair is? The main function (作用) of hair is to protect the head against the radiation (輻射) of the sun. It also prevents germs (病菌) and insects (昆蟲) from directly invading the scalp (頭皮). You should try to pick a hairstyle that makes you feel good about yourself. A good hair stylist can help you choose the best hairstyle for your face shape.

Matthew and Louise both believe that a new hairstyle can make them look different. They decided to go to a hair salon (髮型屋) together to get their hair cut and styled. However, they didn’t make an appointment.

Lily: Assistant to hair stylist (髮型師)
Nelson: hair stylist

Lily: Welcome. Do you have an appointment?

Matthew: No.

Lily : How can I help you?

Louise: I want to perm my hair and my friend wants to have a haircut.

Lily: No problem. This way please.

Lily has been working in this salon for one year. She wants to pursue her dream as a hair stylist. Being a hair stylist is not an easy job. It’s not just about cutting people’s hair but making your customers feel good. She also has to keep the working place clean and tidy so as to give a good impression to the customers. Lily introduced Nelson, the hair stylist, to Matthew and Louise.

Nelson: Do you have a style you like?

Matthew: I want the ends trimmed (修剪).

Nelson: Would you like to colour your hair?

Nelson showed Matthew the colour chart (顏色板) and explained to him which colours suit him. However, Matthew was not interested at all. Although he knew that changing his hair color could be a dramatic change to his appearance, he didn’t want to spend too much money on his hair.

Nelson: OK. Lily will wash your hair first.

Lily: What kind of shampoo (洗髮水) do you use?

Matthew: Just a very cheap one.

Lily: Oh! You need high quality (高品質) shampoo and conditioner to keep your hair healthy and in good condition.

Lily washed Matthew’s hair with expensive shampoo and massaged onto the scalp area of his head. Same as many other men, Matthew is scared to become bald (禿髮). Hair loss is a major problem for both women and men nowadays. Lily told him not to believe that combing his hair many times could stimulate (刺激) hair growth or to use unnecessary products which calmed that they could solve the problem. Nelson chose a new hair style for Matthew and he was very happy about it.

1) What are the functions of hair?
2) Why Matthew doesn’t want to colour his hair?
3) What advice did Lily give Matthew about hair loss problem?

2011年5月24日 星期二

互動英語教室 - I want to be an English teacher (2)

Lily, graduated from the University of Hong Kong majoring in English literature (英國文學), wants to become an English teacher. She found a job in an English learning centre for children last month. She believes that creativity (創意) can be developed at an early age. Creativity helps one solve problems in real life. Her friend Louise was wondering how playgroups can benefit children.

Louise: I heard that playgroups can benefit children on different aspects (方面) like cognitive (認知), language, social skills (社交技巧) and self-help, is it true?

Lily: You are right! The process of learning for the children is basically by learning through trial (試驗) and error (錯誤). A good playgroup programme offers a balanced (平衡) variety (種類)of learning engagements that facilitates curiosity (好奇心), problem solving and creativity.

Louise: I read that children at 12 months begin to speak by imitating (模仿) their parents.

Lily: Yes. They will be exposed to a wider range of vocabulary (詞彙) by repeating rhymes (押韻) , sing songs and stories. Since they interact (互相交流) with peers (同輩) in the playgroup, they can improve their communication skills.

Louise: By attending play groups, children can interact with other children and parents. The longer they follow the daily schedule, play and interact in a group situation, they would become more aware of self-regulation and sharing.

Lily: oh! You know a lot!

Louise: Haha! Just because I’ve read books about education!

Lily showed Louise around the centre. Children can learn how to help themselves in their classes. The classrooms are built to accommodate young children with low table, chairs and shelves.

Louise: Like the ones we are sitting on right now?

Louise found it fun to sit on a small stool (凳子) and was impressed by the colourful furniture.

Lily: Yes! They are specifically designed to give easy access to toys and materials and to encourage active exploration (勘探). Children are trained to be independent and can complete tasks by themselves.

Louise: Lily, thank you for giving me so much information today!

Lily: It’s my pleasure!

Louise: Thank you! Have a great day!

By Lily Poon


1) Do you think playgroups can benefit children? Why? Or Why not?
2) If you were a teacher, how would you encourage children to think creatively?

They are open ended questions. No answers will be provided.

Special thanks to Tadpoles Early Learning
Article by Lily POON
Script by Louise Chow
Video by CP Chan

2011年5月10日 星期二

互動英語教室 - I want to be an English teacher! (1)

Hong Kong has one of the lowest birth rates (出生率) in the world. On average (平均) Hong Kong parents spend a large amount of money on tutors (補習老師) and extracurricular activities (課外活動) although primary education is basically free. There are many English learning centres in Hong Kong offering courses that develop children's critical thinking (批判思想) and language skills through different topics. Lily, graduated from the University of Hong Kong majoring in English literature (英國文學), wants to become an English teacher. She found a job in an English learning centre for children last month. She observes (觀察) how the native English speakers teach local kids English and is taking a certificate course on education after work.

One day, a lady walked into the learning centre and made some requests.

Lily: Hello Madam. My name is Lily. How can I help you?

Louise: Hello. May I know what kind of courses do you offer?

Lily: sure. Here is the leaflet (傳單) introducing our courses.

Louise: Oh! Lily! It sounds familiar. You must be the girl in the next class in secondary school!

Lily: oh! You must be Louise! Let me show you around.

Lily didn’t expect to see her secondary school friend again at work. This learning centre is conveniently (方便) located in a popular shopping mall. She immediately showed Louise around.

Lily: Here is the classroom.

Louise: It’s nice and colourful.

Lily: We put a lot of thought into the colour of the centre. We believe positive visual (視覺) stimulation (刺激) and a tidy (整潔) room can keep us focused on learning. Images of nature make us feel so peaceful.

Louise: That’s very thoughtful of you. How about the teaching tool (教學用具)?

Lily: There are a lot of different tools.

Louise was very impressed by their colourful toys, games and books more for kids. Quality teaching resources can definitely help teachers in class.

Louise: I like the pattern of the mat!

Lily: We sterilise (消毒) all the tools and the mat before and after class, It’s a safe and hygienic (衛生) environment for children.

Louise: That sounds great!

Lily explained to Louise that the youngest student here was two years old. They offer a large variety of English courses tailor-made (度身訂造) for children. Lily believes that punishment (懲罰) is not effect to encourage (鼓勵) learning while a good reward system will help children learn what is expected of them. For instance, rewarding (獎勵) kids for good behavior and appropriate (適當) for the situation is an important motivation (動機). However, material (物質) and monetary (金錢) rewards are not at all appropriate. Going to the park or playground, allowing them to play with friends are examples of appropriate rewards. One has to learn being a good parent too!

Special thanks to Tadpoles Early Learning
Article by Lily POON
Script by Louise Chow
Video by CP Chan

2011年4月19日 星期二

互動英語教室 - We love music (2)

After reaching home from work, Lily relaxes herself by playing some light music (輕音樂). Her friends cannot understand why she spends so much time and energy in pursuing (追求) music. She believes that hobbies (興趣) help the person to develop self-esteem (自信心). Before learning the piano, she never had the courage (信心) to perform (表演) or speak in front of the others. Now, she feels comfortable in playing music with a group of amateur (業餘) musicians. She thinks that keeping some time aside for leisure activities can help her to curb (制止) stress (壓力) after a bad day at work and keep a fresh mind. .

Lily’s cousin Thomas is also a music lover. He is learning to be a good rapper. However, Lily prefers classical music. Geoff, who works for the music centre where Lily takes her piano class, can play a few musical instruments (樂器), such as the violin (小提琴), drum (鼓) and guitar. Lily suggests that three of them can play some chamber music (室樂) together.

Geoff: I play guitar and violin. The instrument families are made up of four main families: woodwinds (木管樂器), brass (銅管樂器), strings (弦樂器), and percussion (敲擊樂器).

Thomas: They are classified (分類) by the way they make sounds. Guitar and violin belong to the string family.

Geoff: You are a smart boy!

Lily: Let’s play some music now.

Geoff: Sure! Chamber music is a form of classical music, written for a small group of instruments.

Lily and Geoff play a Bach’s minuet (小步舞曲). This kind of light music can lead us to a relaxed state of mind.

Geoff: Same as drums, the piano is a percussion instrument.

Thomas: Oh! It’s fun! Lily, do you know human beatbox (表演口技)?

Lily: No. What is it?

Thomas: Let me show you.

Thomas: Music is all about sharing and creativity!

If you feel completely drained out after school or work, it’s time to do things you love!

Families of musical instruments
In the video, Geoff and Thomas mentioned that musical instruments are grouped into families based on how they make sounds.

Percussion instruments make sounds when they are hit, such as drums. Anthropologists often think that percussion instruments were the first musical devices ever created by mankind.

Sounds of string instruments come from their strings, such as violin, cello, harp and guitar.

Brass instruments are made of brass or other metal and make sound when air is blown inside. Tuba, French horn and trombone are brass instruments.

Woodwind instruments produce sound when air (wind) is blown inside. Flute (長笛), piccolo(短笛), clarinet (單簧管) and oboe (雙簧管) are woodwind instruments.

1) Which are the four families of musical instruments?
2) How are instruments being classified?
3) Can you name some woodwind instruments?
4) What are the benefits of having a hobby?

1) Woodwinds, percussions, brass and strings.
2) They are classified by the way they make sounds.
3) Flute, piccolo, clarinet and oboe are woodwind instruments.
4) Leisure activities can help her to curb stress after a bad day at work and keep a fresh mind.

Article: Lily Poon
Director: C.P Chan
Actor: Thomas Alan Ng, Geoff Lam
Special thanks to Great Music Centre and Chrissy Gordon

2011年4月5日 星期二

互動英語教室 - We love music (1)

Lily works in a bank and has to answer to complaints (
投訴) everyday. She cannot get ample (足夠) sleep because of hectic (忙亂) work schedules and feels very tired all the time. She realized that stress (壓力) symptoms (症狀) can affect her health. A friend advised her to learn a musical instrument (樂器) as a method to relax after a hard day and soothe (緩和) her mind. After learning how to play the piano for two year’s time, she can play some simple pop and classical pieces (樂曲). She also likes to put on some quiet music and lean (傾斜) back or lie down () at home to relax.

Lily’s cousin () Thomas, who lives in the U.K., has come back to Hong Kong for holidays. He was astounded (驚奇) when she told him that she can play the piano. Today, they are going to play some music together in a music centre where Lily takes her piano lessons.

Thomas: Hey Lily! How are you?

Lily: Hey Thomas! Are you ready for some music?

Thomas: Yes!

Thomas asks Lily why they can’t practise (練習) at home. Lily explains to him that since her apartment (公寓) is very small, she will be disliked by her neighbour if they play loud music. They asked Geoff, a staff of the music centre about their booking.

Geoff: Welcome. I am Geoff. How can I help you?

Lily: I’ve booked a room from 2 to 4 today.

Geoff: You must be Lily. This way please.

Geoff walks Lily and Thomas to the basement (地下室). There is a room with a drum set (). The room is soundproofed (隔音) which means it can insulate (絕緣) against noise.

Lily: Oh! It such a spacious (寬敞) room! Thomas, let’s play some music together.

Thomas: Lily. I’ve learned something new.

Lily: What’s that?

Thomas: I can rap (說唱) !

Geoff: Cool! I am from North America (北美洲) . Rap is so popular there.

Lily: What is rap?

Geoff: Rap music or hip-hop (嘻哈) is a genre (類型) of African – American (在美國的非洲人) music of the 80s and 90s. The rappers have to talk rapidly (快速), rhythmically (有節奏地) and vividly (生動地).

Rapping began as a variation in reggae (西印度群島居民的民族的一種音樂) and dub (鼓聲)music, mixed with influences from radio DJs. Rappers can improvise rhymes () over the beats (拍子) created by the DJs. Thomas starts off trying to rap as fast as possible with a constant (不變) beat. Lily and Geoff are very excited.

Lily: Thomas! You are great! I am more into classical music (古典音樂).

Thomas: Really?

Lily: Don’t you remember that I can play the piano?

Thomas: Oh! Yes! Please play some music now!

1)     How does Lily relax at home?
2)     What kind of musical instrument Lily has been learning?
3)     What is rap?

1)     She also likes to put on some quiet music and lean back or lie down  at home to relax.
2)     Lily has been learning the piano.
3)     Rapping began as a variation in reggae and dub music, mixed with influences from radio DJs. Rappers can improvise rhymes over the beats created by the DJs.

Article by Lily Poon
Script by Louise Chow
Directed by CP Chan
Actors: Geoffrey Lam, Thomas Alan Ng

2011年3月22日 星期二

互動英語教室 - My cup of tea (2)

Lily visited a tea shop in Japan a few years ago and was very impressed by their tea culture. She found a job in a tea shop in Hong Kong and read a lot of books to acquire professional (專業) knowledge (知識) of the tea market. One day, a Japanese lady walked into the shop and gave Lily a big surprise. She was Miho, the owner of the tea shop in Japan that Lily visited. She didn't expect to see her face-to-face (面對面) again. It’s always nice to meet an old friend after several years of no communication (沒聯絡). Lily was very eager (熱切的) to tell her what kind of tea the shop was selling and show how to make a cup of good tea.

Miho: Before making a cup of tea, can you show me your utensils (用具)?

Lily: Sure. I know that utensils vary by culture. The basic ones include:
Teapot (茶壺), sieve (過濾器), cup, glass jar for dividing tea into different cups and measuring spoon.

Lily found it a good opportunity (機會) for new staff to demonstrate (示範) tea making in front of Miho. She then asked her new colleague (同事) to make a cup of tea for her. The training that Lily offered to her staff was very professional. She told this new staff how important it could be to brew () different tea types using different water. Today, she reminded her this point once more.

Lily: The water temperatures (溫度) for brewing white tea, green tea and Oolong is 100-degree Celsius and 80-degree celsius for green tea.

Below are the steps of brewing tea:

(1) The first step is to warm teapot with hot water.

(2) Then, put the tea leaves into the pot

(3) Next, rinse (沖洗)the leaves with the hot water and discard (丟棄) the water immediately.

(4) Add fresh boiling water. Steep it for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

(5) Finally, you can strain (過濾) and serve the tea.

Tea is the most widely consumed beverage (飲料) in the world. Hong Kong's inhabitants (居民) love to drink tea because of the Chinese and British influence. The tea shop that Lily works for is located in the central business area and that’s why it has always been a popular place for people who work nearby to go during lunch break.

Lily spent a holiday in Sri Lanka (斯里蘭卡), one of the world’s major tea producing (出產) countries. She and her friends joined a local tour to pick tea leaves at a plantation (茶葉). In the industrialised (工業國) countries like Japan, this activity is performed by machinery (機械). However, in countries like India and Sri Lanka, this is mostly done by hand. Neither Lily nor her friends could pick a full basket of tea leaves within a designated (指定) time. Though this involved a lot of hard work, they all found it fun. Lily told Miho her idea of organising a photo exhibition (展覽會) in the basement of the tea shop so that people could know more about the tea industry in Sri Lanka. Miho found this idea sound (很好) and could possibly attract more clients.

(1)   What are the tea brewing steps?
(2)   Should we brew all kinds tea with water of the same temperature?
(3)   Can you name some major tea producing countries in the world?

(1)   The first step is to warm teapot with hot water. Then, put the tea leaves into the pot. Next, rinse the leaves with the hot water and discard the water immediately. Add fresh boiling water. Steep it for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Finally, strain and serve the tea.
(2)   No. he water Temperatures for brewing white tea, green tea and Oolong is  100-degree Celsius and 80-degree celsius for green tea.
(3)   India and Sri Lanka.

Article: Lily Poon
Script: Louise Chow
 Director: CP. Chan
Actress: Miho
Special thanks to Leaf Tea Boutique - SOHO, Central

2011年3月8日 星期二

互動英語教室 - My cup of tea (1)

Lily went to Tokyo for a holiday last year with the aim of learning more about the Japanese culture. On one of the days, she visited a tea shop selling a wide selection of quality tea leaves. A hospitable (好客的) Japanese lady offered her a cup of Japanese tea and told her that she spent a lot of time and effort (努力) to find the best way to brew (沖泡) her tea. While they were enjoying the tea, this lady told Lily the history of the Japanese tea culture. In fact, many aspects of Chinese culture were introduced to Japan during the Heian Period (A.D. 794-1185) when people were open to ideas and cultures from other countries. Japanese priests (神職人員) and envoys (外交使節) were sent to China and brought tea back to Japan. Lily had a good time in Japan and developed her interest in tea culture.

Lily decided to continue to explore (探索) her interest with special attention to the medicinal (有藥效的) functions (功能) of different kinds of tea leaves. Right after she had returned to Hong Kong, she got a job in a tea shop in Central as a shop assistant. One day, an elegant (優美的) Japanese lady walked into the shop, Lily greeted her with a smile.

Lily: Welcome!

Miho (the Japanese client): Hello! Are you Lily?

Lily: Yes! You are….

Miho: I am Miho! Last year you visited a tea shop in Tokyo. I am the owner and introduced Japanese tea to you. Do you remember?

Lily: Oh! Yes! Great to see you again! I am working in this tea shop now.

Miho: It’s your turn to tell me what kind of tea you have here.

Lily: Sure. Come on in!

The shop consists of two floors with a basement where clients can enjoy their tea. Miho was impressed by the simple but stylish design. 

Lily: Let me play a game with you. Close your eyes.

Lily: We serve a large variety of tea here. Can you tell me what kind of tea this is?

Miho: It smells like Japanese sencha (煎茶)

Lily: Yes! Just like Dragon Well (龍井) and Jasmine (茉莉花). Sencha is green tea. Green tea is non-fermented (發酵的)and contains a high proportion of antioxidants (抗氧化劑).

Miho: This is White Peony (白茶牡丹). White Tea can lower blood pressure (血壓) and improve the function of the arteries (動脈).

Lily: Exactly. Close you eyes again please. Can you tell me what it is?

Miho: Hm… this is…Oolong tea (烏龍茶) ! Iron Bodhisattva (鐵觀音) and Narcissus (水仙) belong to this type.

Lily: Bingo! Close you eyes now.

Miho: oh! It’s my favourite lavender (薰衣草)! Lavender tea helps to soothe (減輕) stress (壓力).

Lily: Yeah! We also have rose and rooibos (意寶).

Miho: You serve Assam (阿薩姆) which is red tea. I am sure it’s for making Hong Kong style milk tea.

Lily: Yes. My parents prefer black tea such as Pu Er (普洱).

Miho: Now. You have become a tea expert.

Lily: I can show you how to brew the perfect cup of tea

Miho: Really? Thanks!

1)     Can you name some green tea?
2)     What is the function of White Peony?
3)     Which tea can soothe stress?

1)     Dragon Well, Jasmine and Sencha.
2) White Tea can lower blood pressure and improve the function of the arteries.
3) Lavender tea

Article by Lily Poon
Directed by C.P. Chan
Actors/ Actress: Miho, Calvin, Lily
Special thanks to Tea Leaf Boutique in SOHO, Central

2011年2月22日 星期二

互動英語教室 - Choosing your own accessories (2)

Lily intends to create an image of a fashionable "working women" (事業女性) for Barbara, so that she can illustrate (說明) her consummate (使完美) use of different accessories in her new album. The producer shares the same thoughts with Lily and suggests her to produce a video in which Barbara and Coney show the audience (觀眾) how to wear the hottest new trend in scarves (頸巾).

Lily: Hey Coney, our producer suggests making a short video demonstrating how to wear a scarf.

To Barbara, scarves conjure up (使人想起) an old-fashioned (老土) and uptight (煩躁的) image. She is rather reluctant (不情願的)to do a video about scarves. Coney tells her that scarves are not only used for warmth (溫暖) and comfort. A designer scarf can be tied in many different styles. Even a very plain (簡樸的) coat or shirt can be made to look fantastic by using a brightly coloured and trendy scarf. Barbara changes her idea and gives this a try.

Coney: It’s a good idea!

Barbara: Hi guys! Scarves are one of the favourite clothing items of women. You can be chic (別緻的) with classic silk scarves. A chunky (厚厚的) wool (羊毛) scarf can add a touch of warmth. Coney is my stylist today. She is going to show you the easiest ways to wear a scarf.

Coney: We are going to start with “the loop”. ()

Coney demonstrates how to wear scarves in fashionable ways without an obvious tie to the past. Barbara now believes that a scarf can represent her unique (獨一無二) personality (性格) and preferences (喜好).

Barbara: There are scarves made of different materials such as viscose  (黏膠) and cotton ().

Lily has the impression that eyewear can change people's look and asks Coney for more advice.

Lily: Hey Coney, do you have any eyewear accessories?

Coney: Of course we do. Here are the fashion sunglasses (太陽眼鏡).

Coney is fashion conscious (意識到的) and into elegant (雅緻的)things. She immediately shows Barbara the newest sunglasses.

Barbara: Can I choose the ones that suit my mood?

Coney: Sure!

Lily: Barbara, this pair can enhance your fashion image and protect your eyes from harmful UV rays at the same time.

Barbara: They look great!

Lily: Barbara, the name of your coming album should be…”Barbara’s fashion world”!

1)     Can you name some materials used to make scarves?
2)     Why Barbara is reluctant to demonstrate how to wear a scarf in the beginning?
3)     Besides making a person to be fashionable, what is the other advantage of wearing sunglasses mentioned by Lily?

1)     Silk, wool, viscose and cotton.
2)     Scarves conjure up an old-fashioned and uptight image.
3)     Sunglasses can also protect ones’ eyes from harmful UV rays.

Script: Louise Chow / Lily Poon
Article: Lily Poon
Director: CP Chan
Actresses: Barbara Li, Coney Ko, Lily Poon

2011年2月8日 星期二

互動英語教室 - Choosing your own accessories (1)

Barbara has signed a contract (合約) with Angel Music, a famous record label (唱片公司) in Hong Kong. Her manager, Lily, is aware of the importance of a singer’s image (形象) but initially has no idea what Barbara should wear while on stage. Lily decides to ask her professional (專業) stylist (設計師) friend Coney to create the best image for Barbara.

Lily has arranged an appointment (約會) with Coney for Barbara.

Barbara: Hi Lily, how are you? What’s the schedule for today?

Lily: You desperately need a makeover (改變外觀)!

Barbara: A makeover? I think my style looks just fine. Don’t you think so?

Lily: No way! I have to create a stylish (時尚的) and chic (有型的) look for you. Look at what you are wearing now! Who believes that you are a rising pop star? My friend has a jewelry shop (首飾店) around the corner. She designs and sells costume jewelry (人造首飾) and should be able to give you some style tips.

Barbara is excited about the opportunity to meet up a professional stylist. Lily thinks that Barbara has high potentials as a good singer but definitely had to improve her outlook. Coney is very confident that she can help to create the best image for her. Barbara is very impressed with the large variety of jewelry in the store. The materials that Coney uses to make her very own jewelry include precious stones (寶石), crystal (水晶), sterling silver (純銀), shell (貝殼) and many more.

Barbara: I am impressed by your unique (獨一無二的) collection of jewelry! Necklaces (項鍊) , bracelets (手鐲), earrings (耳環) and hats (帽子).

Lily: Coney, can you give her a glamorous (迷人的) makeover using your accessories (飾物)? She is going to have her first performance (表演) tomorrow.

Coney: Sure! You have come to the right place! (你找對了地方)

Coney tells Barbara to choose clothing that can represent her free spirit while staying stylish. One of the big advantages of wearing the right jewelry is that one can stay up with the latest looks. That’s why Coney is choosing the jewelry for Barbara carefully.

Coney: They are mainly vintage (古色古香的) style jewelry

Barbara: I read from a fashion magazine that the term “vintage” means nostalgic (懷舊) style!

Coney: Do you like this one?

Barbara: Not really. I prefer something simple. How about these hair clips (髮夾)?

Lily: No way. I am sure we will find something right for you.

Coney: How about this one? (Coney chooses a necklace made of fresh water pear (珍珠)

Barbara: Yes! It’s simple but elegant (雅緻的). This pearl gives me feminine (女性) charm (魅力).

Do you want to know what Barbara has chosen next? Don’t miss the next episode!

1) Can you name some materials that can be used to make costume jewelry?
2) What kind of jewelry do you like the best?
3) What is the meaning of “vintage jewelry”?

1) Precious stones, crystal, sterling silver and shell.
2) Necklaces , bracelets, earrings and hair clips.
3) The term “vintage” means nostalgic style.

Special thanks to Coney @ TAKA Accessories
Article by Lily Poon
Script by Louise Chow
Director: CP Chan

2011年1月17日 星期一

互動英語教室(9) - Let's go to an atelier (2)


After the interview, Sun and Chrissy shared the joy of painting with Lily and Louise as a way to relax and express what they had in themselves. Lily and Louise closely observed (觀察) the uses of colour and learned the basic principles. Lily had great fun while sketching (素描) though she ended up in using the eraser (橡皮擦) a lot. They both agreed that they could rapidly (迅速地) polish (磨鍊) their talent (天資) and skills (技巧) with a teacher’s guidance.

Louise was impressed by the drawing on a wall in the garden. Sun told them that drawing on walls had always been enjoyed greatly by his students. He encouraged (鼓勵) his students to draw whatever they could think of in their mind. This free-form (自由) style reminded Lily of graffiti (塗鴉)…

Chrissy: Did you enjoy yourselves?

Louise: Sure! I like the drawing on the wall.

Sun Ho: My students love to draw on walls.

Lily: I heard that drawing on walls is very common in the States. It’s “gra”, “gra” , “gra” …(Lily couldn’t recall the term)

Chrissy: Do you mean “graffiti”?

Lily: Oh! Yeah!

Chrissy: Graffiti means "to write". Now it refers to writing, drawing, or symbols (符號) applied to any surface without the permission (允許) of the property (物業) owner. Graffiti is often related to hip hop culture and can occur anywhere such as on railroad (鐵路) boxcars (貨車) and subways (隧道). People use a variety of materials such as automotive car paint (車油), spray paint (噴漆), crayons (炭筆) and permanent ink (不脫色墨水). Never draw any graffiti without permission from property owners. But now, you can create graffiti legally (合法) here!

Sun gave Lily and Louise a small paint brush and taught them how to paint on walls. He also showed them some common graffiti fonts and encouraged them to use more colours and be creative most importantly.

Chrissy mentioned that what made street graffiti so different from other forms of visual (視覺) culture was that the production of the image was unauthorised (未被授權的). Lily suddenly thought of Tsang Tsou-choi (曾灶財), also known as "The King of Kowloon". She told Chrissy that Tsang was a local poor man who scrawled (亂塗) on lamp-posts (燈柱), walls and phone boxes. Basically, his script could be found throughout Hong Kong. He was also known for the Chinese calligraphy (書法) he invented. He later became famous around the world after some of his works were displayed (展出) at the Venice Biennale International Art Exhibition (威尼斯國際藝術雙年展) in 2003. Lily and Louise both thought that his unique art had become a part of the city's collective memory (集體回憶) after his death.

Lily and Louise discussed with their chef editor (總編輯) and decided to write an article about “painting and creativity” for the coming issue.

1)     What are the benefits to learn painting with a teacher’s guidance?
2)     Are graffiti legal?
3)     Where can you find graffiti usually?
4)     What kinds of materials are used to draw graffiti?

1)     We can rapidly polish our talent and skills with a teacher’s guidance.
2)     No.
3)     Walls, railroad boxcars and subways.
4)     Automotive car paint, spray paint, crayons and permanent ink.

Actress: Chrissy, Louise, Lily, Sun Ho
Director: C.P.
Article: Lily

2011年1月4日 星期二

互動英語教室 (8) - Let's go to an atelier (Part 1)


Lily and Louise are one of the many journalism (新聞系) graduates (畢業生) wandering what to do in the future. Since the economy is dipping into recession (衰退期), graduates with less experience are hard to find newsroom (新聞編輯部) jobs. At the very least, Lily and Louise are able to work across print and broadcast, and have acquired the necessary skills to write feature stories (專題故事). Lily has built on what she has learned at journalism school by taking a photograhy course. Recently, they find a great deal of freelance work for a newly established art magazine.

Knowing that many jobs in journalism are not officially advertised, Louise is very enthusiastic about social networking (人際網絡). Her friends are taking a painting class in an atelier (畫室) in Central, whose owner Mr Sun Ho is a graduate of the University of Paris. She immediately asks for his contacts and lines up an interview with him.

Lily showed up a half hour late to the interview because she was busy buying some fruits. Louise was very cross at her. Chrissy, the assistant to Mr Ho, greeted them at the door.

Chrissy: Hello, I am Chrissy. The assistant to Mr Sun Ho. You must be Louise and Lily from Hong Kong Arts magazine!

Louise: I am Louise. Nice to meet you

Lily: I am Lily . Nice to meet you

Chrissy: Come on in!

Mr. Ho is devoted (專心致力) into art education and has been giving painting classes to children and adults. Lily was attracted to the paintings by his students in the atelier and thus, couldn’t stop taking a lot of photos. His students are not only technically good at painting but also have individuality (個人風格) and expression.

Chrissy: He is Mr Sun Ho, owner of this atelier. He studied in Paris and is now teaching painting to children and adults.

Sun Ho: Enchanté! (meaning “Nice to meet you” in French)

Louise: Mr Ho, can you tell me the different types of paintings and techniques?

Sun Ho: monochrome drawing (單色畫) and colour painting (彩色畫) are the two major catogories of paintings.

Chrissy: We use charcoal (木炭) sticks () for monochrome drawing and oil colour, acrylic colour (丙烯酸顏料), pastel (粉蠟筆) and poster colour for colour painting. Here is the art kit.

Chrissy showed the art kit to Louise and Lily and pointed to the acrylic colour set and some paint brushes ().

Chrissy: In front of you is the easel. I am holding a palette knife () and you are going to draw on the canvas (帆布).

Sun Ho: What do you want to draw?

Louise: How about fruits?

Sun Ho: Let’s learn still life (靜物) drawing today.

Chrissy: Mr Ho is going to demonstrate how to draw straight and curved lines.

Sun Ho: Red, Yellow and Blue are the three primary colours (三原色).

A palette (調色板) is a very useful tool but can also cause trouble. Lily was so careless that she sat on a palette! They learned the basics techniques of still life drawing in this occasion and were advise to practise at home by picking easy objects to draw. Chrissy reminded them to avoid (避開) drawing oddly (奇怪) shaped (形狀) objects as beginners. Homely fruits, vegetables and gift boxes are all good choices!

1)     What are two major types of drawings?
2)     What is the tool for monochrome drawing introduced in the video? How about colour painting?
3)     What did Lily and Louise draw on in the video?
4)     What are the three primary colours?

By Lily Poon
Special thanks to Atelier Sun Ho
Actresses: Chrissy, Louise and Lily
Director: C.P. Chan
Crew: Grammy and Sharon