2010年12月7日 星期二

互動英語教室(7) - It had all been a dream...

Lily and Louise just finished a video shoot (拍攝) for an upcoming “Quick and Easy Recipes” show on Italian cuisine. Louise couldn’t wait to leave when she thought of the dinner with her best friend from London. Lily was left alone to enjoy this fully refurbished (翻新了的) apartment(公寓). She was a great admirer (讚賞者) of English literature. She had installed herself on the sofa and started reading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

Lily was in a state of exhaustion (精疲力竭) after such a long day and fell asleep (睡著). After a while, she woke with a start (驚醒) and saw a little boy who looked like Daniel. Yet she was not very sure if he was the little boy whom she had been acquainted (認識的), but not very long ago. Looking at him, she felt that he was a little bit different. He was warmly dressed in a black pullover as if he had exposed to cold air. They entered into a conversation (對話)

Lily: You must be Daniel!

Daniel: Lily, welcome to the Wonderland.

Lily: “Lily in Wonderland”? Impossible! I should have met a rabbit instead of a kid! Has the story line been changed?

In spite of Lily’s agitation (不安), Daniel seemed extremely pleased.

Daniel: Follow me.

Although Lily was a bit sceptical (懷疑), she followed him into a hole in the middle of the bathroom. Suddenly, Daniel stopped and shouted at a lady.

Daniel: The Queen!

Daniel greeted the Queen and ran away. Lily could scarcely (幾乎沒可能) believe her eyes, and was almost scared at seeing her.

Queen: I am the Queen. What’s your name?

Lily was confused and mumbled (含糊地說) to herself.

Lily: Oh, no! I should be meeting the Chesire-Cat or the flamingo (紅鸛) but not the Queen.

Lily pretended to be delighted and introduced herself to the Queen. She was always off doing daring (大膽) things that often got her in trouble. She mocked at (嘲笑) the Queen’s outlook and even bursted into giggles (傻笑) afterwards. The Queen was outraged (憤怒).

Queen: Idiot (笨蛋)! Can you do tongue twisters (饒口令)? If not, you should be beheaded (砍頭).

Lily: Your majesty (陛下), I can do one.  
The big black bug bit the big black bear.

The Queen became excited and happy. She continued the second part of the tongue twister.

Queen: but the big black bear bit the big black bug back!

Lily delivered another one:  
How can a clam (蜆) cram (塞進) in a clean cream can (金屬罐)?

Queen replied without hesitation (猶豫): Send toast to ten tense (緊張的) stout (肥胖的) saints' (聖人) ten tall tents (帳篷).

Lily had run out of (耗盡) tongue twisters. She begged (哀求) the Queen to forgive her and let her go. The Queen grew furious (盛怒的) and lost her temper again.

Queen: No. Off with her head!

Lily: Your majesty! I can do another tongue twister.

Queen: Can you do Peter Piper picked a peck (少量) of pickled (醃製的) peppers (甜椒)?

Lily: No….

Suddenly, Lily woke up in a shock and discovered (發現) a deck of (一副) playing cards (撲克牌) with the Ace of Hearts facing upward (向上朝) next to the book. She was so frightened (驚慌) and left the apartment right away. Had it all been just a dream?

Contributor: Louise Chow/ Lily Poon